The 3 Key Benefits To Mentorship & How It Can Change Your Life
Have you considered mentorship before? Mentorship is a great way to pay-it-forward as by giving to others we often refill our own cup in the process.
A mentor's role is to support and encourage the individual by sharing their wisdom and knowledge of a particular subject. A mentoring relationship needs to be built on trust, mutual respect and clear communication. A good mentoring relationship can not only benefit the receiver but also the mentor themselves.
The good news is that you can learn to harness your feminine power to get what you want and I’m going to show you how.
The 3 Key Benefits of Mentorship
Recognition for Your Authority on A Subject
Becoming a mentor is a great way for you to become recognized and respected in your chosen profession. It’s a chance for you to showcase your skill and knowledge in the area and share that with others.
Exposes You to Fresh Ideas & Perspectives
Mentoring can be great for personal growth. It’s easy to become stuck in our ways and stop absorbing new information. During mentoring sessions, you have the potential to become exposed to new ideas, concepts and perspectives that you may have otherwise ignored. The teacher can often learn a lot from the student if they’re open to hearing it.
Forces You to Reflect
When a mentor tries to teach another person a new skill it really highlights the mentor’s personality traits. A mentoring session is the perfect time to take a mental note of how you react to certain situations. If your student is struggling to understand the concept you’re trying to portray, are you getting frustrated or angry or do you remain calm and collected?
By identifying the way, you react to specific situations you can work on bettering yourself for future sessions. After each session spend time reflecting on how the session went and how you can improve it next time.
You can only truly understand the benefits that mentoring can bring to your life by doing it. Why not start today and see what changes it can bring to your life.