Back To Basic: 3 Step Simple Skin Care Routine

Do you ever feel that life is a constant juggling act? You spend all your time trying to keep all of your balls in the air, constantly worried you might slip up. 

If so,  you may need to simplify your daily habits. An over complicated skin care routine not only takes up a lot of your time every day, it can also cause more harm than good to your skin. By simplifying your skincare routine it’s one less thing to worry about. 


Let me help you get ‘Back To Basics’ with a simplified 3 step simple skin care routine 


1. Cleanse 

Cleaning your skin every day is the most important thing you can do for it. If dirt is left on your skin it gets trapped in your pores which result in outbreaks. Find a cleanser that works with your skin tone and use it every night before you go to bed.  


2. Exfoliate 

Although your cleanser cleans your skin it doesn’t get rid of the dirt that is already trapped in your pores. Use a gently exfoliator to remove the hard to reach bits. 


3. Moisturize

It’s important to rehydrate your skin after you’ve stripped it. Finish off your skincare routine with a good quality moisturiser. I’ve incorporated Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid serum to my skin care regimen and my skin is just drinking up all that moisture and it shows!


Extra points to consider… 


Change Your Diet 

We’ve all heard the saying beauty comes from within right? What we put into our body has a direct effect on our skin. By switching to a healthy diet you’ll not only have more energy, you’ll also have a clearer complexion. 


Collagen Is You Friend 

As women get older their ability to produce collagen (the building blocks to youthful skin) depletes. Give your skin a helping hand by taking collagen supplements. I use a liquid collagen (from Modere) which is said to absorb almost 90% more than the regular powder. I’ll be happy to share my discount code with you. Just let me know 😊


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